Just a quick word to those of you who plan on creating babies.... BREED NOW! I have been around too many people lately who have miscarried or have had genetic problems with their children. It isn't always an age factor, but it sucks to see someone have such difficulties. SO, Breed early and often... and I'll knit baby blankets....
Now.... to those of you who can't raise respectful children... DON'T BREED! I currently have no telephone in my classroom... why? Because someone stole it while I had a substitute yesterday. They also removed stuff from my cupboard, stole my good overhead pens (that I purchased myself), threw away homework papers, made a roll of paper towels disappear... among other things. Little shits. The sub will not be working at our school again. I haven't gotten the whole story yet but apparently she has a habit of LEAVING the classroom, so my little darlings (read: shits) may have been unattended for some time. I feel violated.
On the upside, apparently I'm the 'good' calculus teacher, because I'm actually keeping the correct pacing and assignments while the Junior College teacher fill-in for the other calculus class is 2 days behind, isn't giving the correct assignments and is a bit scatterbrained. I've had a couple of his students come in to ask about being behind and what they might be missing... much fun.
dude, that just sucks.
Geez. That's, incidentally, why I couldn't handle teaching HS. They would murder me. I continue to be very impressed that you can and do do it. Especially when they steal your overhead pens!!! (And what on earth do they want with them, anyway?!)
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