No, I'm not kidding.
Stop laughing.
Please stop laughing?
Its only for 7 weeks....
My department chair severely broke her ankle last month and is out until October 22nd. I somehow got hornswaggled into taking her calculus class until she gets back. I'm going to go read the Calculus book now. If any of you people who are infinitely more qualified to teach this than I am have any suggestions...
On a knitting note, I gave my department chair the 'Barbi camouflage' socks, but because of her cast she could only wear one, so I made her a little toe cover for the cast foot out of the leftover yarn.
Oof, that's tough. You'll do fine, though. In a sense, I think that calc might be easier to teach than algebra, just because algebra is so ingrained in me that I can't explain it...
joy, calculus. do you get her class materials?
Its actually going to be easy, I have ALL the materials and notes and lessons and warm-ups and examples for the course. I jiust need to understand it all! What am I doing this weekend? Calculus homework. :)
Oh, nice. Well, if you want to spend time in the company of bunches of people who really like(d) calculus (a.k.a. us nerds), you know where we'll be. ;)
jerm apparently liked calculus, you could call him too.
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